Frequently asked questions

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Properties always have to be returned to their original condition before being handed back. Any holes in the walls have to be professionally filled when you are moving out. As soon as the new tenants have been selected, you can discuss with them whether they would like the walls to be repainted in the original colour. If so, the walls have to be professionally repainted.

Yes, definitely! When moving to a new district, you have to notify your current local authority that you are moving out of the district. You can de-register from your local authority at your local residents registration office. The same applies for registering at your new local residents registration office. You will have 14 days to de-register and register. Please contact your local authority for information on the documents you will need to de-register and register.

By the way: you will still have to register your new address at your local residents registration office even if you are not moving to a different district.

The costs involved differ from case to case. Once a property has been handed back, it will be checked against the moving-in report. If there are any broken parts or appliances, the cost for replacing them may be deducted from your deposit if they fall under the minor repairs tenants are required to perform themselves. You may also be charged for any reductions in value.

We recommend getting a parking permit for public parking spaces. However, depending on the region, it may also be possible to apply for parking permits and for parking spaces to be blocked on your moving-in day at your local authority or cantonal police station. By the way: most removals companies will take care of arranging parking spaces or getting parking permits for areas where parking is not normally allowed.