Experience with e-mobility pays off

Ongoing trend – charging infrastructure is in demand

In 2023, the proportion of registrations of fully electric vehicles or plug-in hybrids in Switzerland was an impressive 28%.1 Electromobility is becoming increasingly important, and charging stations are needed for the growing number of electric vehicles. This is also reflected in the rising number of enquiries from tenants.

We spotted this trend years ago, set up partnerships and invested in establishing processes. In the meantime, these processes have been standardised and improved, allowing property owners to benefit from high-quality installations at low cost. Our established standard process ensures efficient operation, individual billing and the straightforward expandability of the charging infrastructure. 

230 properties


1000 charging stations

in operation

150 circumnavigations

of the globe powered by electricity from our charging stations

Diverse operating models implemented

Standard does not mean being inflexible. Our experience shows that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for charging infrastructure. We have equipped small covered car parks, large multi-storey car parks and outdoor parking facilities with charging stations. And we have implemented a variety of operating models – from private to public. In our concepts, we take the particular needs of residential, mixed and commercial properties and condominiums into account, and fulfil them to the full satisfaction of our customers. These varying requirements demand the specialised expertise of our sustainability experts.

Future-oriented solutions for micromobility and car sharing

Electromobility doesn’t end with cars. The increasing demand for charging options for e-bikes, e-scooters and e-motorcycles requires a new approach. In the past, the electricity connection in car parks was designed to provide sufficient lighting. Today, we need sockets for micromobility and charging stations for electric cars; individual billing must also be provided for. This is rarely available in older car parks. That’s why our Sustainability Office has developed standard specifications that can be used to meet these needs with simple and inexpensive means. 

We are also gaining initial experience with car sharing services in the residential properties we manage. Our focus is on making these services simple for tenants to use and easy for our property management team to manage.

Is your property equipped for future mobility?
Livit provides expert support as you develop your e-mobility infrastructure. Contact us for more information.

1 Source: www.bfs.admin.ch

Feel free to contact us.
We have time for you.

Sarah Rickenbacher Real Estate Sustainability Specialist sustainability@livit.ch