Greater support in tougher times

Redoubling our social responsibility with Domicil

Times are tougher on the housing market. This hasn’t escaped the notice of the Domicil foundation, which has been working to help people in difficult circumstances find housing in Zurich for many years. Right now, these people are all the more in need of support. As one of the largest property managers in Switzerland, we are aware of our responsibility and have redoubled our ongoing collaboration with Domicil this year with an extraordinary donation.  

The Domicil foundation finds suitable housing for people in difficult situations, assumes joint liability in their tenancy agreements and ensures that the tenancy runs smoothly until it can be taken over fully by the households concerned. The cooperation between Livit and Domicil in the city and canton of Zurich has proved its worth and is based on mutual support and trust. The relevant individuals at Domicil and our lettings management team are in regular, collaborative contact. If Domicil finds a suitable home in our portfolio at an affordable rent, a Domicil user is placed in the property where possible.

In addition to this collaboration and our annual membership fee, we are pleased to mark our 60th anniversary by supporting the Domicil foundation with a significant donation. Donations and membership fees account for around 15% of the foundation’s funding, laying crucial groundwork for Domicil’s endeavours and further development.

«With over 100 joint tenancies, Livit is currently our most important partner. We very much appreciate our strong collaboration and the solutions-focused approach that our points of contact at the company always bring to the table. Together, we make it possible for those who have it tougher than others to find a good home.»

Nadine Felix
Director of the Domicil foundation

The partnership between Livit and Domicil has already seen many success stories, from families who finally find a house with enough space for all their members to refugees who not only find refuge in Switzerland, but a real home, too. As Nadine Felix adds, ‘every housing placement is a success story’. 

«I would probably never have found a proper home without Domicil’s support. During the hardest time in my life, I was able to invest my energy into my work instead of the frustrating search for housing. In the end, this gave me financial independence.»

Maila P.

Domicil’s work goes far beyond housing placement – it provides security and guidance to tenants and to us as property managers alike by advising tenants on using household appliances, adhering to house rules and being a good neighbour, for instance. ‘Our greatest success comes when our clients affirm their self-reliance and integration into society by taking on the tenancies themselves,’ says Nadine Felix. 

Wolfgang Stiebellehner, CEO of Livit AG and Nadine Felix, Director of the Domicil foundation